Creating Winning Physiques


Creating a Community 







Guy is so patient. He sat down with me to talk about my goals. He didn’t push for me to join the Team right away. He gave me advice to make improvements and a timeline. Everyone has been supportive. It really is a family atmosphere. In a sport that is inherently selfish I don’t know how Team O got such a group supportive people together.
— Andrew Dewy Hansen

FAMILY. Team O is unlike any other competition prep team I have come across. Everyone genuinely cares about each others success. They celebrate the victories with you and support you throughout the entire process.
— Karie Ryan, Team O Coach and Athlete

Body building at times can feel like a very isolating sport. Friends and Family don’t always understand the journey to stage. Making the decision to join Team O has been fantastic for my husband and I. We are surrounded by support from like minded people on the same journey. It has become more than just a team for us. Team O is an extended family!
— Brooke Brown, Team O Athlete

At my first show, walking around with the Team O gear, people were constantly calling out “Oh Sh!#, Team O’s in the house!” Definitely cool to be part of a well respected team. Guy has been such a wonderful coach
— Adam Steven, Team o athlete

This team is FAMILY, and the coaching staff have always put our health first before just throwing someone on stage. Guy doesn’t do this as his job, he does this as his passion which sets him apart
— Tanya Palacios, Team O athlete